序号 | 论文(专著)名称类别 | 期刊(出版社)名称 | 卷、期、页 | 作者 | 类别 | 收录类别 |
2 | A Bidirectional 60-GHz Wireless-Over-Fiber Transport System With Centralized Local Oscillator Service Delivered to Mobile Terminals and Base Stations | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS | 24. 22. 1984-1987 | 叶晨晖,Zhang Liang,Zhu Ming,Yu Jianjun,何赛灵,Gee-Kung Chang | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
3 | An image quality assessment based on regional weight | OPTIK | 123. 6. 494-497 | 赵巨峰,冯华君,徐之海,李奇 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
4 | An improved image restoration approach using adaptive local constraint | OPTIK | 123. 11. 982-985 | 赵巨峰,冯华君,徐之海,李奇 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
5 | Analysis of wavelength and intensity interrogation methods in cascaded double-ring sensors | J. Lightwave Technol | 30,12,1994-2002 | 金磊、李明宇、何建军 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
6 | Axial superresolution by phase filter in optical coherence tomography | Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences | 5, 4, 1250022-1-1250022-7 | 丁志华、倪秧、孟婕 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
7 | All-optical wavelength conversion and multicasting for polarization-multiplexed signal using angled pumps in a silicon waveguide | OPTICS LETTERS | 37. 11. 1898-1900 | 谢彦乔,高士明,何赛灵 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
8 | Application of optical coherence tomography to distance measurement of optical surface | Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng/Optics and Precision Engineering | 20. 7. 1469-1474 | 王志斌,史国华,何益,丁志华,张雨东 | 国内重要刊物 | EI收录 |
9 | A method for extending depth of focus in STED nanolithography | JOURNAL OF OPTICS | 14. 4. 045702-w | 郝翔,匡翠方,李旸晖,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
10 | Axial nanodisplacement measurement based on astigmatism effect of crossed cylindrical lenses | APPLIED OPTICS | 51. 13. 2379-2387 | 郦龙,匡翠方,罗丁,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
11 | Approaches to achieve broadband optical transformation devices with transmuted singularity | JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION | 29. 1. 124-129 | 马云贵,孙飞,张渊,金毅,Ong CK | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
12 | All-optical wavelength multicasting based on cascaded four-wave mixing with a single pump in highly nonlinear fibers | OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS | 285. 5. 784-789 | 高士明, 肖晓晟 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
13 | An H(infinity) approach for elasticity properties reconstruction | MEDICAL PHYSICS | 39. 1. 475-481 | 刘华锋,胡红杰,Sinusas Albert J.,施鹏程 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
14 | An improved image deconvolution approach using local constraint | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY | 44. 2. 421-427 | 赵巨峰,冯华君,徐之海,李奇 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
15 | A Convolutional Perfect Matched Layer (CPML) for One-Step Leapfrog ADI-FDTD Method and Its Applications to EMC Problems | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY | 54. 5. 1066-1076 | 王向华,尹文言,YuYiQiang,ChenZhizhang,WangJian,郭旸 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
16 | A high-resolution displacement sensor based on a grating interferometer with the phase modulation technique | MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 23. 10. 105102- | 赵双双,侯昌伦,张娟,白剑,杨国光 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
17 | An unconditionally stable one-step arbitrary-order leapfrog ADI-FDTD method and its numerical properties | IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation | 60. 4. 1995-2003 | 杨顺川,Chen Zhizhang David,Yu Yiqiang,尹文言 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
18 | Biomechanical model guided dual estimation of myocardial motion and material parameters | Zhejiang Daxue Xuebao (Gongxue Ban)/Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science) | 46. 5. 912-917 | 孟捷,刘华锋,岳茂雄 胡红杰 | 国内重要刊物 | EI收录 |
19 | Biocompatible Fiber-Optic pH Sensor Based on Optical Fiber Modal Interferometer Self-Assembled With Sodium Alginate/Polyethylenimine Coating | IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL | 12. 5. 1477-1482 | 顾波波,殷明杰,张阿平,钱锦文,何赛灵 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
20 | Color separation criteria for spectral multi-ink printer characterization | CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS | 10. 1. 013-301 | 王彬宇,徐海松,M. Ronnier Luo | 国内重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
21 | Comparison and analysis of codes for remodulation WDM-PON with adaptive code selection | Optics Communications | 285. 15. 3259-3263 | 卢旸,汪盛蕾,曾朵朵,徐磊,郭昌建,何赛灵 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
22 | Calibration method for high-accuracy measurement of long focal length with Talbot interferometry | APPLIED OPTICS | 51. 13. 2407-2413 | 金晓荣,张金春,白剑,侯昌伦,侯西云 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
23 | Color tuning by local sputtering metal nanolayer on microstructured porous alumina | MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE | 75. 5. 698-701 | Wang, Xulongqi; 章海军; 张冬仙; Ma, Yi; Fecht, H.-J; Jiang, J. Z. | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
24 | Creating attoliter detection volume by microsphere photonic nanojet and fluorescence depletion | Optics Communications | 285. 4. 402-406 | 匡翠方,刘勇,郝翔,罗丁,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
25 | Displacement measurement for color images by a phase-encoded joint transform correlator | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY | 44. 4. 1129-1135 | 葛鹏,李奇,冯华君,徐之海 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
26 | Displacement measurement based on joint fractional Fourier transform correlator | OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING | 50. 3. 399-404 | 葛鹏,李奇,冯华君,徐之海 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
27 | Design of low-dispersion-discrepancy silicon waveguide for broadband polarization-independent wavelength conversion | JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS | 29. 2. 215-219 | 刘强,高士明,曹力中,何赛灵 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
28 | Design of panoramic stereo imaging with single optical system | OPTICS EXPRESS | 20. 6. 6085-6096 | 黄治,白剑,侯西云 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
29 | Distortion correction for imaging on non-planar surface using freeform lens | OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS | 285. 6. 986-991 | 侯佳,李海峰,郑臻荣,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
30 | Design of ultrabroadband double-chirped mirror pairs for ultrafast lasers | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA | 61. 11. 014-211 | 牛海亮,章岳光,沈伟东,余鹏,李旸晖,刘旭 | 国内重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
31 | Efficient and accurate local model for colorimetric characterization of liquid-crystal displays | Optics Letters | 37. 1. 31-33 | 邹文海,徐海松,宫睿 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
32 | Electromagnetic Compatibility-Oriented Study on Through Silicon Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Bundle Via (TS-SWCNTBV) Arrays | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY | 54. 1. 149-157 | 赵文生,尹文言,Guo Yong-Xin | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
33 | Efficient and accurate local model for colorimetric characterization of liquid-crystal displays | OPTICS LETTERS | 37. 1. 31-33 | 邹文海,徐海松,宫睿 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
34 | Signal transmission analysis of multilayer graphene nano-ribbon (MLGNR) interconnects | IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility | 54. 1. 126-132 | 崔江澎,赵文生,尹文言,胡骏 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
35 | Subwavelength imaging with materials of in-principle arbitrarily low index contrast | New Journal of Physics | 14. 025001.14 | 马云贵,Sahebdivan S,Ong CK,Tyc T,Leonhardt U | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
36 | Silver clusters insert into polymer solar cell for enhancing light absorption | CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS | 10. 1. 012-401 | 李国龙,甄红宇,黄卓寅,李衎,沈伟东,刘旭 | 国内重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
38 | Testing performance of CIECAM02 in predicting perceptual contrast | CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS | 10. 3. 84-84 | 吕玮阁,徐海松,M. R. Luo | 国内重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
39 | Tea classification and quality assessment using laser-induced fluorescence and chemometric evaluation | APPLIED OPTICS | 51. 7. 803-811 | 梅亮,Lundin Patrik,Brydegaard Mikkel,龚淑英,唐德松,Gabriel Somesfalean,何赛灵,Svanberg Sune | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
40 | Polynomial approximation method for tomographic reconstruction of three-dimensional refractive index fields with limited data | OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING | 50. 3. 496-501 | 田超,杨甬英,卓永模,凌曈,李浩然 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
41 | Signal Transmission Analysis of Multilayer Graphene Nano-Ribbon (MLGNR) Interconnects | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY | 54. 1. 126-132 | 崔江澎,赵文生,尹文言,胡骏 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
42 | Travelling wave analysis on high-speed performance of Q-modulated distributed feedback laser | OPTICS EXPRESS | 20. 3. 2277-2289 | 支剑锟,朱洪力,刘德坤,王磊,何建军 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
43 | Small angle measurement method based on the total internal multi-reflection | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY | 44. 5. 1346-1350 | 刘勇,匡翠方,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
44 | Optimization design of irradiance array for LED uniform rectangular illumination | APPLIED OPTICS | 51. 13. 2257-2263 | 吴仍茂,郑臻荣,李海峰,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
45 | Double-pumped multiwavelength fiber optical parametric oscillator based on a Sagnac loop filter | Optics Letters | 37. 1. 106-108 | 孙兵,胡凯,魏一振,陈达如,高士明,王天枢,何赛灵 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
46 | Optical Sensor Based on Vernier-Cascade of Ring Resonator and Echelle Diffraction Grating | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS | 24. 11. 954-956 | 秦丽,王磊,李明宇,何建军 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
47 | Influences of spherical aberration on resonator’’s stable zones and fundamental mode output power scaling of solid state laser oscillators | OPTICS EXPRESS | 20. 10. 10605-10616 | 赵智刚,潘孙强,项震,董延涛,葛剑虹,刘崇,陈军 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
48 | Displacement measurement for color images by a phase-encoded joint transform correlator | Optics and Laser Technology | 44. 4. 1129-1135 | 葛鹏,李奇,冯华君,徐之海 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
49 | Image displacement detection using double phase-encoded joint transform correlator based on wavelet denoising | OPTIK | 123. 10. 932-936 | 葛鹏,李奇,冯华君,徐之海 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
50 | Generalized data reduction approach for aspheric testing in a non-null interferometer | APPLIED OPTICS | 51.10.1598-1604 | 田超,杨甬英,卓永模 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
51 | Study of the Raman-AFM System for Simultaneous Measurements of Raman Spectrum and Micro/Nano-Structures | SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS | 32. 4. 993-996 | 史斌,章海军,吴兰,张冬仙 | 国内重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
52 | Super-resolution optical microscopic imaging method based on annular illumination with high numerical aperture | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA | 61. 2. 024207 | 支绍韬,章海军,张冬仙 | 国内重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
53 | Graphics processing unit (GPU)-accelerated particle filter framework for positron emission tomography image reconstruction | JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION | 29. 4. 637-643 | 余风潮,刘华锋,胡正珲,施鹏程 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
54 | Determination of optical constants and thickness of photoactive layer in polymer oslar cells by single transmission measurement | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA | 61. 4. 048801-1-048801-6 | 黄卓寅,李国龙,李衎,甄红宇,沈伟东,刘向东,刘旭 | 国内重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
55 | Correlated Doppler optical coherence tomography | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA | 61. 2. 023401 | 黄良敏,丁志华,洪威,王川 | 国内重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
56 | Photosensitizer encapsulated organically modified silica nanoparticles for direct two-photon photodynamic therapy and In Vivo functional imaging | BIOMATERIALS | 33. 19. 4851-4860 | 钱骏,王丹,蔡夫鸿,詹求强,汪亚伦,何赛灵 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
57 | Proposal of Inverse Pulse Position Modulation for Downstream Signal in Remodulation PON With PolSK-Modulated Multicast Overlay | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS | 24. 12. 1012-1014 | 卢旸,汪胜蕾,胡灵欢,洪学智,Xu Lei,何赛灵 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
58 | Exploiting Magnetic Resonance Angiography Imaging Improves Model Estimation of BOLD Signal | PLOS ONE | 7. 2. e31612 | 胡正珲,刘聪,施鹏程,刘华锋 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
59 | Inverted indium-tin-oxide-free cone-shaped polymer solar cells for light trapping | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 100. 21. 213901 | 甄红宇,李衎,黄卓寅,唐正,吴仍茂,李国龙,刘旭,张凤玲 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
60 | "Green"-synthesized near-infrared PbS quantum dots with silica-PEG dual-layer coating: Ultrastable and biocompatible optical probes for in vivo animal imaging | Nanotechnology | 23. 24. 245701 | 王丹,钱骏,蔡夫鸿,何赛灵,韩四海,牟颖 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
61 | Interaction Between Two One-Way Waveguides | IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS | 48. 8. 1059-1064 | 刘珂鑫,沈林放,郑晓东,何赛灵 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
62 | Evaluation of contrast metrics for liquid-crystal displays under different viewing conditions | Journal of the Society for Information Display | 20. 5. 259-265 | 吕玮阁,徐海松,M. R. Luo | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
63 | Error analysis and processing of partial compensatory aspheric testing system | Zhejiang Daxue Xuebao (Gongxue Ban)/Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science) | 46. 4. 636-642+733 | 骆永洁,杨甬英,田超,韦涛,卓永模 | 国内重要刊物 | EI收录 |
64 | Simulation and crosstalk analysis of 360 three-dimensional display system based on rotating LED line array | Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers | 39. 5. 0508001-1-0508001-4 | 曹子盛,李海峰,姚振宁,刘旭,刘向东 | 国内重要刊物 | EI收录 |
65 | Improvement of ranging accuracy of imaging laser radar with sectioned restoration method | Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering | 41. 5. 1206-1211 | 杨超,严惠民,张秀达,袁波 | 国内重要刊物 | EI收录 |
66 | Crosstalk evaluation in multiview autostereoscopic three-dimensional displays with an optimized diaphragm applied | Journal of Information Display | 13. 2. 83-89 | 彭祎帆,李海峰,郑臻荣,夏新星,姚智,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | EI收录 |
67 | The image quality evaluation for integral imaging | Zhejiang Daxue Xuebao (Gongxue Ban)/Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science) | 46. 2. 366-371 | 解静,刘旭,李海峰 | 国内重要刊物 | EI收录 |
68 | PPMgLN-based high power OPO pumped by double end pumped Nd:YVO4 laser | Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering | 41. 3. 639-642 | 边莎莎,吴波,孔剑,沈永行 | 国内重要刊物 | EI收录 |
69 | Intensity-Interrogated Sensor Based on Cascaded Fabry-Perot Laser and Microring Resonator | JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY | 30. 17. 2901-2906 | 宋金岩,王磊,金磊,夏翔,何建军 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
70 | Differential internal multi-reflection method for nano-displacement measurement | OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING | 50. 10. 1445-1449 | 库玉龙,匡翠方,罗丁,王婷婷,李海峰 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
71 | Single-mode plasmonic waveguiding properties of metal nanowires with dielectric substrates | OPTICS EXPRESS | 20. 17. 19006-19015 | 王依霈,马耀光,郭欣,童利民 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
72 | Embedded Surface Reef Gratings by a Simple Method to Improve Absorption and Electrical Properties of Polymer Solar Cells | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 4. 8. 4393-4397 | 李衎,甄红宇,黄卓寅,李国龙,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
73 | Closely-Packed UWB MIMO/Diversity Antenna With Different Patterns and Polarizations for USB Dongle Applications | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION | 60. 9. 4372-4380 | 张帅,Lau Buon Kiong,Sunesson Anders,何赛灵 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
74 | Quantitative Evaluation of Activation State in Functional Brain Imaging | BRAIN TOPOGRAPHY | 25. 4. 362-373 | 胡正珲,倪鹏宇,刘聪,Zhao Xiaohu,刘华锋,施鹏程 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
75 | Image degradation and recovery based on multiple scattering in remote sensing and bad weather condition | OPTICS EXPRESS | 20. 15. 16584-16595 | 陶叔银,冯华君,徐之海,李奇 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
76 | Superenhanced three-dimensional confinement of light by compound metal-dielectric microspheres | OPTICS EXPRESS | 20. 15. 16981-16991 | 库玉龙,匡翠方,郝翔,薛懿,李海峰,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
77 | Single-mode and wavelength tunable lasers based on deep-submicron slots fabricated by standard UV-lithography | OPTICS EXPRESS | 20. 15. 16291-16299 | 虞婷婷,邹立,王磊,何建军 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
78 | Dispersive mirrors for high third-order dispersion compensation in femtosecond amplification fiber laser system | APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS | 108. 3. 609-614 | 牛海亮,沈伟东,李承帅,章岳光,Xie C.,余鹏,袁文佳,Liu B. W.,Hu M. L.,Wang Q. Y.,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
79 | Compact Polarization Beam Splitter Using an Asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Based on Silicon-on-Insulator Waveguides | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS | 24. 8. 673-675 | 戴道锌,Zhi Wang,Jon Peters,John E Bowers | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
80 | Colorimetric characterization models based on colorimetric characteristics evaluation for active matrix organic light emitting diode panels | APPLIED OPTICS | 51. 30. 7255-7261 | 宫睿,徐海松,仝清芬 | 国内重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
81 | Optical microfibers and nanofibers: A tutorial | OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS | 285. 23. 4641-4647 | 童利民,子菲,郭欣,Lou Jingyi | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
82 | CIECAM02 performance on cross-media color reproduction in different surround conditions | Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica | 32. 7. 0733001-1-0733001-6 | 卢沧龙,徐海松,宫睿 | 国内重要刊物 | EI收录 |
83 | Dynamic PET image reconstruction with Geometrical structure prior constraints | Zhejiang Daxue Xuebao (Gongxue Ban)/Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science) | 46. 6. 961-966 | 张俊超; 岳茂雄; 刘华锋 | 国内重要刊物 | EI收录 |
84 | Confocal fluorescence lifetime microscope system | Guangdianzi Jiguang/Journal of Optoelectronics Laser | 23. 8. 1472-1477 | 顾兆泰,匡翠方,郑臻荣,刘旭 | 国内重要刊物 | EI收录 |
85 | Structured light acquisition system based on waveband separation | Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica | 32. 6. 0612003-1-0612003-6 | 柳迪,姚振宁,李海峰,刘向东,刘旭 | 国内重要刊物 | EI收录 |
86 | Single-nanowire surface plasmon gratings | NANOTECHNOLOGY | 23. 22. 225202 | 张奚宁,马哲,Luo Rui,Gu Ying,孟超,伍晓芹,Gong Qihuang,童利民 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
87 | Continuous manipulation of doughnut focal spot in a large scale | OPTICS EXPRESS | 20. 12. 12692-12698 | 郝翔,匡翠方,李旸晖,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
88 | Polymer Nanofibers Embedded with Aligned Gold Nanorods: A New Platform for Plasmonic Studies and Optical Sensing | NANO LETTERS | 12. 6. 3145-3150 | 王攀,张磊,夏幼南,童利民,徐霞,应义斌 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
89 | Evaluation of contrast metrics for liquid-crystal displays under different viewing conditions | JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY | 20. 5. 259-265 | 吕玮阁,徐海松,罗明 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
90 | Digital wavelength switching by thermal and carrier injection effects in V-coupled cavity semiconductor laser | CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS | 10. 10. 102501-1-102501-4 | 金嘉亮,王磊,何建军 | 国内重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
91 | Concurrent bias correction in hemodynamic data assimilation | MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS | 16. 7. 1456-1464 | 胡正珲,刘华锋,施鹏程 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
92 | High-power multichannel PPMgLN-based optical parametric oscillator pumped by a master oscillation power amplification-structured Q-switched fiber laser | APPLIED OPTICS | 51. 28. 6881-6885 | 陈滔,魏凯华,姜培培,吴波,沈永行 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
93 | Image quality evaluation for smart-phone displays at lighting levels of indoor and outdoor conditions | OPTICAL ENGINEERING | 51. 8. 084001 | 宫睿,徐海松,王斌宇,罗明 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
94 | On-chip three-dimensional high-Q microcavities fabricated by femtosecond laser direct writing | OPTICS EXPRESS | 20. 9. 10213 | Lin Jintian,Yu Shangjie,马耀光,方伟,He Fei,Qiao Lingling,童利民,Cheng Ya,Xu Zizhan | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
95 | Silicon Polarization Beam Splitter Based on an Asymmetrical Evanescent Coupling System With Three Optical Waveguides | JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY | 30. 20. 3281-3287 | 戴道锌 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
96 | General approach to splicing optical microfibers via polymer nanowires | OPTICS LETTERS | 37. 21. 4383-4385 | 胡志方,李威,马耀光,童利民 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
97 | Optical accelerometer based on grating interferometer with phase modulation technique | APPLIED OPTICS | 51. 29. 7005-7010 | 赵双双,张娟,侯昌伦,白剑,杨国光 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
98 | Contrast-enhancing polarization control method for surface plasmon imaging sensor | OPTICAL ENGINEERING | 51. 9. 094402. | 黄子昊,王晓萍,詹舒越,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
99 | One-way edge mode in a gyromagnetic photonic crystal slab | Optics Letters | 37. 19. 4110- 4112 | 刘珂鑫,沈林放,何赛灵 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
100 | Perfect invisibility cloaking by isotropic media | PHYSICAL REVIEW A | 86. 4. 043827. | 许陶,刘一超,张渊,Ong CK,马云贵 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
101 | Generation of a 3D isotropic hollow focal spot for single-objective stimulated emission depletion microscopy | JOURNAL OF OPTICS | 14. 8. 085704. | 李帅,匡翠方,郝翔,顾兆泰,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
102 | Narrow Linewidth Single-Mode Slotted Fabry-Perot Laser Using Deep Etched Trenches | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS | 24. 14. 1233-1235 | 王寅,杨友光,张森,何建军 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
104 | Observation of Multiphoton-Induced Fluorescence from Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles and Applications in In Vivo Functional Bioimaging | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 51. 42. 10570-10575 | 钱骏,王丹,蔡夫鸿,奚望,彭力,朱镇峰,贺号,胡明列,何赛灵 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
105 | Imaging of skin microvessels with optical coherence tomography: potential uses in port wine stains | EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE | 4. 6. 1017-1021 | YANG ZHOU,DAIQIANG YIN,PING XUE,NAIYAN HUANG,HAIXIA QIU,YING WANG,JING ZENG,丁志华,顾瑛 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
106 | Comparison of Schlemm’’s canal’’s biological parameters in primary open-angle glaucoma and normal human eyes with swept source optical | Journal of Biomedical Optics | 17. 11. .116008 | Fei Wang,Guohua Shi,Xiqi Li,Jing Lu,丁志华,Xinghuai Sun,Chunhui Jiang,张雨东 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
107 | Enhancement algorithm for infrared images based on Kalman filter | Zhejiang Daxue Xuebao (Gongxue Ban)/Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science) | 46. 8. 1534-1539 | 刘涛,赵巨峰,徐之海,冯华君,陈惠芳 | 国内重要刊物 | EI收录 |
108 | Three measurement algorithms of PMF geometric parameters | Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering | 41. 10. 2728-2732 | 胡慧珠,缪立军,铁敏强,舒晓武,刘承 | 国内重要刊物 | EI收录 |
109 | Sharper fluorescent super-resolution spot generated by azimuthally polarized beam in STED microscopy | OPTICS EXPRESS | 20. 16. 17653-17666 | 薛懿,匡翠方,李帅,顾兆泰,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
110 | Optically pumped semiconductor nanowire lasers | Frontiers of Optoelectronics | 5. 3. 239-247 | 马耀光,童利民 | 国内重要刊物 | 其他收录 |
111 | The Relationship between Cerebral Glucose Metabolism and Age: Report of a Large Brain PET Data Se | PloS one | 7.12.e51517 | Shen, Xiaoyan;刘华锋;胡正辉; Hu, Hongjie施鹏程 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
112 | Synthesis of Optical-Quality Single-Crystal β-BaB2O4 Microwires and Nanowires | Advanced Functional Materials | 10.1002.1-5 | 曲广媛, Zhifang Hu,Qing yang王依霈,童利民 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
113 | Experimental Demonstration of Birefringence Compensation Using Angled Star Couplers in Silica-Based Arrayed Waveguide Grating | IEEE Photonics Journal | 4. 6.2236-2242 | 夏翔、邹骏、郎婷婷、何建军 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
114 | Polarization-sensitive perfect absorbers at near-infrared wavelengths | OPTICS EXPRESS | 21,S1, A111-A122 | Lijun Meng,赵鼎,李强,仇旻 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
115 | Fabrication and characterization of suspended SiO2 ridge optical waveguides and the devices | OPTICS EXPRESS | 20. 20. 22531-22536 | 陈朋鑫,朱云鹏,时尧成,戴道锌,何赛灵 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
116 | Flow velocity measurement based on speckle in optical coherence tomography | Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers | 39. 5. 0504002-1-0504002-5 | 杨柳,洪威,王川,丁志华 | 国内重要刊物 | EI收录 |
117 | Fabrication of GaAs Nanowires by Colloidal Lithography and Dry Etching | CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS | 29. 3. 036105-1-036105-4 | 陈珂,何建军,李明宇,LaPierre R. | 国内重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
118 | Fourier transform profilometry with color grating by dot-array controlled absolute phase multi-frequency grating | Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica | 32. 7. 136-141 | 李崇纲,董泳江,张茹婷,林斌,曹向群 | 国内重要刊物 | EI收录 |
119 | Fiber-based chromatic confocal microscope with Gaussian fitting method | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY | 44. 4. 788-793 | 罗丁,匡翠方,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
120 | Wavelength Tunable CdSe Nanowire Lasers Based on the Absorption-Emission-Absorption Process | Advanced Materials | 10.1002. | Jiabei Li,孟超,Ying Liu,伍晓芹,YizeLu,Ye Yu,Dai Lun,童利民,刘旭,杨青 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
121 | Wavelength-Spacing-Tunable Double-Pumped Multiwavelength Optical Parametric Oscillator Based on a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer | JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY | 30. 12. 1937-1942 | 孙兵,胡凯,陈达如,魏一振,高士明,何赛灵 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
122 | Wavelength Switchable Semiconductor Laser Based on Half-Wave Coupled Fabry-Perot and Rectangular Ring Resonators | IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS | 24. 12. 991-993 | 武林,王寅,虞婷婷,王磊,何建军 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
123 | Ultrabroadband light absorption by a sawtooth anisotropic metamaterial slab | Nano Letters | 12. 3. 1443-1447 | 崔艳霞,Fung Kin Hung,Xu Jun,Ma Hyungjin,金毅,何赛灵,Fang Nicholas X. | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
124 | Wavelength-spacing tunable multiwavelength fiber optical parametric oscillator | MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS | 54. 10. 2405-2408 | 孙兵,胡凯,陈达如,魏一振,陈宏志,高士明 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
125 | Ultralong-range phase imaging with orthogonal dispersive spectral-domain optical coherence tomography | OPTICS LETTERS | 37. 21. 4555-4557 | 王川,丁志华,Mei Shengtao,余华,洪威,Yan Yangzhi,沈伟东 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
126 | Unintentional doping induced splitting of G peak in bilayer graphene (vol 99, 233110, 2011) | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 99. 233110 | 林时胜,陈必更,Pan CT,Hu S,Tian P,童利民 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
127 | Using graphics processing units to accelerate perturbation Monte Carlo simulation in a turbid medium | JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS | 17. 4. 040502 | 蔡夫鸿,何赛灵 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
128 | Ultra-broadband microwave metamaterial absorber | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 100. 10. 103506 | 丁飞,崔艳霞,葛潇尘,金毅,何赛灵 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
129 | Robust Framework for PET Image Reconstruction Incorporating System and Measurement Uncertainties | PLOS ONE | 7. 3. e32224 | 刘华锋,王嵩,高飞,田毅,陈武凡,胡正珲,施鹏程 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
130 | Revealing the truth about "trapped rainbow" storage of light in metamaterials | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 2. 583 | 何赛灵,何应然,金毅 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
131 | Ray ellipse method of analyzing the power and polarization state of partially polarized light | ACTA PHYSICA SINICA | 61. 13. 134201 | 刘超; 岑兆丰; 李晓彤; 许伟才; 尚红波; 能芬; 陈立 | 国内重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
132 | High-Q width modulated photonic crystal stack mode-gap cavity and its application to refractive index sensing | Optics Express | 20,24,27039-27044 | 姚开元、时尧成 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
133 | High-repetition-rate mid-infrared optical parametric oscillator based on PPMgOLN | LASER PHYSICS | 22. 10. 1459-1462 | 金嘉亮,王磊,何建军 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
134 | High-precision laser alignment technique based on spiral phase plate | OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING | 50. 7. 944-949 | 罗丁,匡翠方,郝翔,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
135 | Hydrophilic microsphere based mesoscopic-lens microscope (MMM) | OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS | 285. 20. 4130-4133 | 郝翔,匡翠方,李旸晖,刘旭,库玉龙,江芸珊 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
136 | Liquid-crystal-display-based touchable light field three-dimensional display using display-capture mapping calibration | APPLIED OPTICS | 51. 25. 6014-6019 | 彭祎帆,李海峰,钟擎,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
137 | Low-threshold supercontinuum generation in semiconductor nanoribbons by continuous-wave pumping | OPTICS EXPRESS | 20. 8. 8667-8674 | 谷付星,虞华康,方伟,童利民 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
138 | Morphometric measurement of Schlemm‘s canal in normal human eye using anterior segment swept source optical coherence tomography | JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS | 17. 1. 016016 | Guohua Shi,Fei Wang,Xiqi Li,Jing Lu,丁志华,Xinghuai Sun,Chunhui Jiang,Yudong Zhang | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
139 | Method for blurred image restoration based on Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor | Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica | 32. 8. 0828005-1-0828005-7 | 余玉华,董文德,徐之海,冯华君,李奇 | 国内重要刊物 | EI收录 |
140 | Mode conversion in tapered submicron silicon ridge optical waveguides | Optics Express | 20. 12. 13425-13439 | 戴道锌,Yongbo Tang, John E Bowers | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
141 | Manipulation of doughnut focal spot by image inverting interferometry | OPTICS LETTERS | 37. 5. 821-823 | 郝翔,匡翠方,李旸晖,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
142 | Measurement of group delay dispersion of dispersive mirror based on white-light interference | Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica | 32. 10.1031003-1-1031003-6 | 李承帅,沈伟东,章岳光,范欢欢,刘旭 | 国内重要刊物 | EI收录 |
143 | Optical characteristics of GaAs nanowire solar cells | J. Appl. Phys | 112, 104311-1-104311-6 | 胡煜、R.R. LaPierre、李明宇、陈珂、何建军 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
144 | Fluorescence lifetime imaging with pulsed diode laser enabled stimulated emission | Optics Express | 20, 27, 28216-28221 | 葛剑虹,匡翠方,Shin - Shian Lee, Fu- Jen Kao | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
145 | Thin-film encapsulation of inverted indium-tin-oxide-free polymer solar cells by atomic layer deposition with improvement on stability and efficiency | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 101,23,233902 | Kan Li, Huanhuan Fan, Chaofan Huang, Xia Hong, Xu Fang, Haifeng Li, Xu Liu,Chengshuai Li, Zhuoyin Huang, and甄红宇 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
146 | Optimized design of LED freeform lens for uniform circular illumination | Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C | 13,12,929-936 | Peng Liu, Reng-mao Wu, Zhen-rong Zheng, Hai-feng Li, 刘旭 | 国内重要刊物 | EI收录 |
147 | Experimental Demonstration of a Free-Space Cylindrical Cloak without Superluminal Propagation | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS | 109,22,223903-1-223903-5 | Su Xu, Xiangxiang Cheng, Sheng Xi, Runren Zhang, Herbert O. Moser, Zhi Shen,Yang Xu, Zhengliang Huang, Xianmin Zhang, Faxin Yu, Baile Zhang,陈红胜 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
148 | Correlation matching method for high-precision position detection of optical vortex using Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor | OPTICS EXPRESS | 20, 24,26099-26109 | Chenxi Huang, Hongxin Huang, Haruyoshi Toyoda, Takashi Inoue, 刘华锋 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
149 | Large aperture PPMgLN based high-power optical parametric oscillator at 3.8 mu m pumped by a nanosecond linearly polarized fiber MOPA | OPTICS EXPRESS | 20,14,15008-15014 | Dejiao Lin, Shaif-ul Alam, 沈永行, 陈滔, Bo Wu, David J. Richardson | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
150 | Multi-frame blind deconvolution using sparse priors | Optics Communications | 285,9,2276-2288 | Wende Dong, 冯华君, Zhihai Xu, Qi Li | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
151 | Sharper focal spot below lambda/4 of azimuthally polarized illumination phase-encoded by the binary 0/pi phase plate | OPTIK | 123,23,2179-2182 | Tingting Wang, 匡翠方, Xiang Hao,刘旭 | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
152 | Asymmetric light propagation in composition-graded semiconductor nanowires | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 2,820 | Jinyou Xu, Xiujuan Zhuang, Pengfei Guo, Weiqing Huang, Wei Hu, Qinglin Zhang, Qiang Wan, Xiaoli Zhu, Zongyin Yang, 童利民, Xiangfeng Duan, Anlian Pan | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
153 | Nanowire Piezo-phototronic Photodetector: Theory and Experimental Design | ADVANCED MATERIALS | 24,22,1410-1417 | Ying Liu, 杨青, Yan Zhang, Zongyin Yang, Zhong Lin Wang | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
154 | Self-Powered Ultrasensitive Nanowire Photodetector Driven by a Hybridized Microbial Fuel Cell | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 51,26,6443-6446 | Qing Yang, Ying Liu, Zetang Li, Zongyin Yang, Xue Wang, Zhong Lin Wang | 国外重要刊物 | SCI收录 |
155 | Color correction for high-definition electronic endoscope, Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences | Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences | Vol.5, No.4 | Chen Jing, Meng Zi-Bo, Yuan Bo, Duan Hui-Long | 国外重要刊物 | EI收录 |
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