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序号 论文(专著)名称类别 期刊(出版社)名称 卷、期、页 作者 类别 收录类别
2 A Bidirectional 60-GHz Wireless-Over-Fiber Transport System With Centralized Local Oscillator Service Delivered to Mobile Terminals and Base Stations IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 24. 22. 1984-1987 叶晨晖,Zhang Liang,Zhu Ming,Yu Jianjun,何赛灵,Gee-Kung Chang 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
3 An image quality assessment based on regional weight OPTIK 123. 6. 494-497 赵巨峰,冯华君,徐之海,李奇 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
4 An improved image restoration approach using adaptive local constraint OPTIK 123. 11. 982-985 赵巨峰,冯华君,徐之海,李奇 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
5 Analysis of wavelength and intensity interrogation methods in cascaded double-ring sensors J. Lightwave Technol 30,12,1994-2002 金磊、李明宇、何建军 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
6 Axial superresolution by phase filter in optical coherence tomography Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 5, 4, 1250022-1-1250022-7 丁志华、倪秧、孟婕 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
7 All-optical wavelength conversion and multicasting for polarization-multiplexed signal using angled pumps in a silicon waveguide OPTICS LETTERS 37. 11. 1898-1900 谢彦乔,高士明,何赛灵 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
8 Application of optical coherence tomography to distance measurement of optical surface Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng/Optics and Precision Engineering 20. 7. 1469-1474 王志斌,史国华,何益,丁志华,张雨东 国内重要刊物 EI收录
9 A method for extending depth of focus in STED nanolithography JOURNAL OF OPTICS 14. 4. 045702-w 郝翔,匡翠方,李旸晖,刘旭 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
10 Axial nanodisplacement measurement based on astigmatism effect of crossed cylindrical lenses APPLIED OPTICS 51. 13. 2379-2387 郦龙,匡翠方,罗丁,刘旭 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
11 Approaches to achieve broadband optical transformation devices with transmuted singularity JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION 29. 1. 124-129 马云贵,孙飞,张渊,金毅,Ong CK 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
12 All-optical wavelength multicasting based on cascaded four-wave mixing with a single pump in highly nonlinear fibers OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 285. 5. 784-789 高士明, 肖晓晟 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
13 An H(infinity) approach for elasticity properties reconstruction MEDICAL PHYSICS 39. 1. 475-481 刘华锋,胡红杰,Sinusas Albert J.,施鹏程 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
14 An improved image deconvolution approach using local constraint OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 44. 2. 421-427 赵巨峰,冯华君,徐之海,李奇 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
15 A Convolutional Perfect Matched Layer (CPML) for One-Step Leapfrog ADI-FDTD Method and Its Applications to EMC Problems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY 54. 5. 1066-1076 王向华,尹文言,YuYiQiang,ChenZhizhang,WangJian,郭旸 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
16 A high-resolution displacement sensor based on a grating interferometer with the phase modulation technique MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 23. 10. 105102- 赵双双,侯昌伦,张娟,白剑,杨国光 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
17 An unconditionally stable one-step arbitrary-order leapfrog ADI-FDTD method and its numerical properties IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 60. 4. 1995-2003 杨顺川,Chen Zhizhang David,Yu Yiqiang,尹文言 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
18 Biomechanical model guided dual estimation of myocardial motion and material parameters Zhejiang Daxue Xuebao (Gongxue Ban)/Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science) 46. 5. 912-917 孟捷,刘华锋,岳茂雄 胡红杰 国内重要刊物 EI收录
19 Biocompatible Fiber-Optic pH Sensor Based on Optical Fiber Modal Interferometer Self-Assembled With Sodium Alginate/Polyethylenimine Coating IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 12. 5. 1477-1482 顾波波,殷明杰,张阿平,钱锦文,何赛灵 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
20 Color separation criteria for spectral multi-ink printer characterization CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 10. 1. 013-301 王彬宇,徐海松,M. Ronnier Luo 国内重要刊物 SCI收录
21 Comparison and analysis of codes for remodulation WDM-PON with adaptive code selection Optics Communications 285. 15. 3259-3263 卢旸,汪盛蕾,曾朵朵,徐磊,郭昌建,何赛灵 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
22 Calibration method for high-accuracy measurement of long focal length with Talbot interferometry APPLIED OPTICS 51. 13. 2407-2413 金晓荣,张金春,白剑,侯昌伦,侯西云 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
23 Color tuning by local sputtering metal nanolayer on microstructured porous alumina MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE 75. 5. 698-701 Wang, Xulongqi; 章海军; 张冬仙; Ma, Yi; Fecht, H.-J; Jiang, J. Z. 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
24 Creating attoliter detection volume by microsphere photonic nanojet and fluorescence depletion Optics Communications 285. 4. 402-406 匡翠方,刘勇,郝翔,罗丁,刘旭 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
25 Displacement measurement for color images by a phase-encoded joint transform correlator OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 44. 4. 1129-1135 葛鹏,李奇,冯华君,徐之海 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
26 Displacement measurement based on joint fractional Fourier transform correlator OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING 50. 3. 399-404 葛鹏,李奇,冯华君,徐之海 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
27 Design of low-dispersion-discrepancy silicon waveguide for broadband polarization-independent wavelength conversion JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS 29. 2. 215-219 刘强,高士明,曹力中,何赛灵 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
28 Design of panoramic stereo imaging with single optical system OPTICS EXPRESS 20. 6. 6085-6096 黄治,白剑,侯西云 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
29 Distortion correction for imaging on non-planar surface using freeform lens OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 285. 6. 986-991 侯佳,李海峰,郑臻荣,刘旭 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
30 Design of ultrabroadband double-chirped mirror pairs for ultrafast lasers ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 61. 11. 014-211 牛海亮,章岳光,沈伟东,余鹏,李旸晖,刘旭 国内重要刊物 SCI收录
31 Efficient and accurate local model for colorimetric characterization of liquid-crystal displays Optics Letters 37. 1. 31-33 邹文海,徐海松,宫睿 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
32 Electromagnetic Compatibility-Oriented Study on Through Silicon Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Bundle Via (TS-SWCNTBV) Arrays IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY 54. 1. 149-157 赵文生,尹文言,Guo Yong-Xin 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
33 Efficient and accurate local model for colorimetric characterization of liquid-crystal displays OPTICS LETTERS 37. 1. 31-33 邹文海,徐海松,宫睿 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
34 Signal transmission analysis of multilayer graphene nano-ribbon (MLGNR) interconnects IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 54. 1. 126-132 崔江澎,赵文生,尹文言,胡骏 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
35 Subwavelength imaging with materials of in-principle arbitrarily low index contrast New Journal of Physics 14. 025001.14 马云贵,Sahebdivan S,Ong CK,Tyc T,Leonhardt U 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
36 Silver clusters insert into polymer solar cell for enhancing light absorption CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 10. 1. 012-401 李国龙,甄红宇,黄卓寅,李衎,沈伟东,刘旭 国内重要刊物 SCI收录
38 Testing performance of CIECAM02 in predicting perceptual contrast CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 10. 3. 84-84 吕玮阁,徐海松,M. R. Luo 国内重要刊物 SCI收录
39 Tea classification and quality assessment using laser-induced fluorescence and chemometric evaluation APPLIED OPTICS 51. 7. 803-811 梅亮,Lundin Patrik,Brydegaard Mikkel,龚淑英,唐德松,Gabriel Somesfalean,何赛灵,Svanberg Sune 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
40 Polynomial approximation method for tomographic reconstruction of three-dimensional refractive index fields with limited data OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING 50. 3. 496-501 田超,杨甬英,卓永模,凌曈,李浩然 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
41 Signal Transmission Analysis of Multilayer Graphene Nano-Ribbon (MLGNR) Interconnects IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY 54. 1. 126-132 崔江澎,赵文生,尹文言,胡骏 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
42 Travelling wave analysis on high-speed performance of Q-modulated distributed feedback laser OPTICS EXPRESS 20. 3. 2277-2289 支剑锟,朱洪力,刘德坤,王磊,何建军 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
43 Small angle measurement method based on the total internal multi-reflection OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 44. 5. 1346-1350 刘勇,匡翠方,刘旭 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
44 Optimization design of irradiance array for LED uniform rectangular illumination APPLIED OPTICS 51. 13. 2257-2263 吴仍茂,郑臻荣,李海峰,刘旭 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
45 Double-pumped multiwavelength fiber optical parametric oscillator based on a Sagnac loop filter Optics Letters 37. 1. 106-108 孙兵,胡凯,魏一振,陈达如,高士明,王天枢,何赛灵 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
46 Optical Sensor Based on Vernier-Cascade of Ring Resonator and Echelle Diffraction Grating IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 24. 11. 954-956 秦丽,王磊,李明宇,何建军 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
47 Influences of spherical aberration on resonator’’s stable zones and fundamental mode output power scaling of solid state laser oscillators OPTICS EXPRESS 20. 10. 10605-10616 赵智刚,潘孙强,项震,董延涛,葛剑虹,刘崇,陈军 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
48 Displacement measurement for color images by a phase-encoded joint transform correlator Optics and Laser Technology 44. 4. 1129-1135 葛鹏,李奇,冯华君,徐之海 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
49 Image displacement detection using double phase-encoded joint transform correlator based on wavelet denoising OPTIK 123. 10. 932-936 葛鹏,李奇,冯华君,徐之海 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
50 Generalized data reduction approach for aspheric testing in a non-null interferometer APPLIED OPTICS 51.10.1598-1604 田超,杨甬英,卓永模 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
51 Study of the Raman-AFM System for Simultaneous Measurements of Raman Spectrum and Micro/Nano-Structures SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 32. 4. 993-996 史斌,章海军,吴兰,张冬仙 国内重要刊物 SCI收录
52 Super-resolution optical microscopic imaging method based on annular illumination with high numerical aperture ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 61. 2. 024207 支绍韬,章海军,张冬仙 国内重要刊物 SCI收录
53 Graphics processing unit (GPU)-accelerated particle filter framework for positron emission tomography image reconstruction JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION 29. 4. 637-643 余风潮,刘华锋,胡正珲,施鹏程 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
54 Determination of optical constants and thickness of photoactive layer in polymer oslar cells by single transmission measurement ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 61. 4. 048801-1-048801-6 黄卓寅,李国龙,李衎,甄红宇,沈伟东,刘向东,刘旭 国内重要刊物 SCI收录
55 Correlated Doppler optical coherence tomography ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 61. 2. 023401 黄良敏,丁志华,洪威,王川 国内重要刊物 SCI收录
56 Photosensitizer encapsulated organically modified silica nanoparticles for direct two-photon photodynamic therapy and In Vivo functional imaging BIOMATERIALS 33. 19. 4851-4860 钱骏,王丹,蔡夫鸿,詹求强,汪亚伦,何赛灵 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
57 Proposal of Inverse Pulse Position Modulation for Downstream Signal in Remodulation PON With PolSK-Modulated Multicast Overlay IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 24. 12. 1012-1014 卢旸,汪胜蕾,胡灵欢,洪学智,Xu Lei,何赛灵 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
58 Exploiting Magnetic Resonance Angiography Imaging Improves Model Estimation of BOLD Signal PLOS ONE 7. 2. e31612 胡正珲,刘聪,施鹏程,刘华锋 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
59 Inverted indium-tin-oxide-free cone-shaped polymer solar cells for light trapping APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 100. 21. 213901 甄红宇,李衎,黄卓寅,唐正,吴仍茂,李国龙,刘旭,张凤玲 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
60 "Green"-synthesized near-infrared PbS quantum dots with silica-PEG dual-layer coating: Ultrastable and biocompatible optical probes for in vivo animal imaging Nanotechnology 23. 24. 245701 王丹,钱骏,蔡夫鸿,何赛灵,韩四海,牟颖 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
61 Interaction Between Two One-Way Waveguides IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 48. 8. 1059-1064 刘珂鑫,沈林放,郑晓东,何赛灵 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
62 Evaluation of contrast metrics for liquid-crystal displays under different viewing conditions Journal of the Society for Information Display 20. 5. 259-265 吕玮阁,徐海松,M. R. Luo 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
63 Error analysis and processing of partial compensatory aspheric testing system Zhejiang Daxue Xuebao (Gongxue Ban)/Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science) 46. 4. 636-642+733 骆永洁,杨甬英,田超,韦涛,卓永模 国内重要刊物 EI收录
64 Simulation and crosstalk analysis of 360 three-dimensional display system based on rotating LED line array Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers 39. 5. 0508001-1-0508001-4 曹子盛,李海峰,姚振宁,刘旭,刘向东 国内重要刊物 EI收录
65 Improvement of ranging accuracy of imaging laser radar with sectioned restoration method Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering 41. 5. 1206-1211 杨超,严惠民,张秀达,袁波 国内重要刊物 EI收录
66 Crosstalk evaluation in multiview autostereoscopic three-dimensional displays with an optimized diaphragm applied Journal of Information Display 13. 2. 83-89 彭祎帆,李海峰,郑臻荣,夏新星,姚智,刘旭 国外重要刊物 EI收录
67 The image quality evaluation for integral imaging Zhejiang Daxue Xuebao (Gongxue Ban)/Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science) 46. 2. 366-371 解静,刘旭,李海峰 国内重要刊物 EI收录
68 PPMgLN-based high power OPO pumped by double end pumped Nd:YVO4 laser Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering 41. 3. 639-642 边莎莎,吴波,孔剑,沈永行 国内重要刊物 EI收录
69 Intensity-Interrogated Sensor Based on Cascaded Fabry-Perot Laser and Microring Resonator JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY 30. 17. 2901-2906 宋金岩,王磊,金磊,夏翔,何建军 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
70 Differential internal multi-reflection method for nano-displacement measurement OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING 50. 10. 1445-1449 库玉龙,匡翠方,罗丁,王婷婷,李海峰 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
71 Single-mode plasmonic waveguiding properties of metal nanowires with dielectric substrates OPTICS EXPRESS 20. 17. 19006-19015 王依霈,马耀光,郭欣,童利民 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
72 Embedded Surface Reef Gratings by a Simple Method to Improve Absorption and Electrical Properties of Polymer Solar Cells ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 4. 8. 4393-4397 李衎,甄红宇,黄卓寅,李国龙,刘旭 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
73 Closely-Packed UWB MIMO/Diversity Antenna With Different Patterns and Polarizations for USB Dongle Applications IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION 60. 9. 4372-4380 张帅,Lau Buon Kiong,Sunesson Anders,何赛灵 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
74 Quantitative Evaluation of Activation State in Functional Brain Imaging BRAIN TOPOGRAPHY 25. 4. 362-373 胡正珲,倪鹏宇,刘聪,Zhao Xiaohu,刘华锋,施鹏程 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
75 Image degradation and recovery based on multiple scattering in remote sensing and bad weather condition OPTICS EXPRESS 20. 15. 16584-16595 陶叔银,冯华君,徐之海,李奇 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
76 Superenhanced three-dimensional confinement of light by compound metal-dielectric microspheres OPTICS EXPRESS 20. 15. 16981-16991 库玉龙,匡翠方,郝翔,薛懿,李海峰,刘旭 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
77 Single-mode and wavelength tunable lasers based on deep-submicron slots fabricated by standard UV-lithography OPTICS EXPRESS 20. 15. 16291-16299 虞婷婷,邹立,王磊,何建军 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
78 Dispersive mirrors for high third-order dispersion compensation in femtosecond amplification fiber laser system APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS 108. 3. 609-614 牛海亮,沈伟东,李承帅,章岳光,Xie C.,余鹏,袁文佳,Liu B. W.,Hu M. L.,Wang Q. Y.,刘旭 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
79 Compact Polarization Beam Splitter Using an Asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Based on Silicon-on-Insulator Waveguides IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 24. 8. 673-675 戴道锌,Zhi Wang,Jon Peters,John E Bowers 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
80 Colorimetric characterization models based on colorimetric characteristics evaluation for active matrix organic light emitting diode panels APPLIED OPTICS 51. 30. 7255-7261 宫睿,徐海松,仝清芬 国内重要刊物 SCI收录
81 Optical microfibers and nanofibers: A tutorial OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 285. 23. 4641-4647 童利民,子菲,郭欣,Lou Jingyi 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
82 CIECAM02 performance on cross-media color reproduction in different surround conditions Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica 32. 7. 0733001-1-0733001-6 卢沧龙,徐海松,宫睿 国内重要刊物 EI收录
83 Dynamic PET image reconstruction with Geometrical structure prior constraints Zhejiang Daxue Xuebao (Gongxue Ban)/Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science) 46. 6. 961-966 张俊超; 岳茂雄; 刘华锋 国内重要刊物 EI收录
84 Confocal fluorescence lifetime microscope system Guangdianzi Jiguang/Journal of Optoelectronics Laser 23. 8. 1472-1477 顾兆泰,匡翠方,郑臻荣,刘旭 国内重要刊物 EI收录
85 Structured light acquisition system based on waveband separation Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica 32. 6. 0612003-1-0612003-6 柳迪,姚振宁,李海峰,刘向东,刘旭 国内重要刊物 EI收录
86 Single-nanowire surface plasmon gratings NANOTECHNOLOGY 23. 22. 225202 张奚宁,马哲,Luo Rui,Gu Ying,孟超,伍晓芹,Gong Qihuang,童利民 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
87 Continuous manipulation of doughnut focal spot in a large scale OPTICS EXPRESS 20. 12. 12692-12698 郝翔,匡翠方,李旸晖,刘旭 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
88 Polymer Nanofibers Embedded with Aligned Gold Nanorods: A New Platform for Plasmonic Studies and Optical Sensing NANO LETTERS 12. 6. 3145-3150 王攀,张磊,夏幼南,童利民,徐霞,应义斌 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
89 Evaluation of contrast metrics for liquid-crystal displays under different viewing conditions JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY 20. 5. 259-265 吕玮阁,徐海松,罗明 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
90 Digital wavelength switching by thermal and carrier injection effects in V-coupled cavity semiconductor laser CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 10. 10. 102501-1-102501-4 金嘉亮,王磊,何建军 国内重要刊物 SCI收录
91 Concurrent bias correction in hemodynamic data assimilation MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS 16. 7. 1456-1464 胡正珲,刘华锋,施鹏程 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
92 High-power multichannel PPMgLN-based optical parametric oscillator pumped by a master oscillation power amplification-structured Q-switched fiber laser APPLIED OPTICS 51. 28. 6881-6885 陈滔,魏凯华,姜培培,吴波,沈永行 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
93 Image quality evaluation for smart-phone displays at lighting levels of indoor and outdoor conditions OPTICAL ENGINEERING 51. 8. 084001 宫睿,徐海松,王斌宇,罗明 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
94 On-chip three-dimensional high-Q microcavities fabricated by femtosecond laser direct writing OPTICS EXPRESS 20. 9. 10213 Lin Jintian,Yu Shangjie,马耀光,方伟,He Fei,Qiao Lingling,童利民,Cheng Ya,Xu Zizhan 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
95 Silicon Polarization Beam Splitter Based on an Asymmetrical Evanescent Coupling System With Three Optical Waveguides JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY 30. 20. 3281-3287 戴道锌 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
96 General approach to splicing optical microfibers via polymer nanowires OPTICS LETTERS 37. 21. 4383-4385 胡志方,李威,马耀光,童利民 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
97 Optical accelerometer based on grating interferometer with phase modulation technique APPLIED OPTICS 51. 29. 7005-7010 赵双双,张娟,侯昌伦,白剑,杨国光 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
98 Contrast-enhancing polarization control method for surface plasmon imaging sensor OPTICAL ENGINEERING 51. 9. 094402. 黄子昊,王晓萍,詹舒越,刘旭 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
99 One-way edge mode in a gyromagnetic photonic crystal slab Optics Letters 37. 19. 4110- 4112 刘珂鑫,沈林放,何赛灵 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
100 Perfect invisibility cloaking by isotropic media PHYSICAL REVIEW A 86. 4. 043827. 许陶,刘一超,张渊,Ong CK,马云贵 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
101 Generation of a 3D isotropic hollow focal spot for single-objective stimulated emission depletion microscopy JOURNAL OF OPTICS 14. 8. 085704. 李帅,匡翠方,郝翔,顾兆泰,刘旭 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
102 Narrow Linewidth Single-Mode Slotted Fabry-Perot Laser Using Deep Etched Trenches IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 24. 14. 1233-1235 王寅,杨友光,张森,何建军 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
104 Observation of Multiphoton-Induced Fluorescence from Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles and Applications in In Vivo Functional Bioimaging ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 51. 42. 10570-10575 钱骏,王丹,蔡夫鸿,奚望,彭力,朱镇峰,贺号,胡明列,何赛灵 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
105 Imaging of skin microvessels with optical coherence tomography: potential uses in port wine stains EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE 4. 6. 1017-1021 YANG ZHOU,DAIQIANG YIN,PING XUE,NAIYAN HUANG,HAIXIA QIU,YING WANG,JING ZENG,丁志华,顾瑛 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
106 Comparison of Schlemm’’s canal’’s biological parameters in primary open-angle glaucoma and normal human eyes with swept source optical Journal of Biomedical Optics 17. 11. .116008 Fei Wang,Guohua Shi,Xiqi Li,Jing Lu,丁志华,Xinghuai Sun,Chunhui Jiang,张雨东 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
107 Enhancement algorithm for infrared images based on Kalman filter Zhejiang Daxue Xuebao (Gongxue Ban)/Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science) 46. 8. 1534-1539 刘涛,赵巨峰,徐之海,冯华君,陈惠芳 国内重要刊物 EI收录
108 Three measurement algorithms of PMF geometric parameters Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering 41. 10. 2728-2732 胡慧珠,缪立军,铁敏强,舒晓武,刘承 国内重要刊物 EI收录
109 Sharper fluorescent super-resolution spot generated by azimuthally polarized beam in STED microscopy OPTICS EXPRESS 20. 16. 17653-17666 薛懿,匡翠方,李帅,顾兆泰,刘旭 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
110 Optically pumped semiconductor nanowire lasers Frontiers of Optoelectronics 5. 3. 239-247 马耀光,童利民 国内重要刊物 其他收录
111 The Relationship between Cerebral Glucose Metabolism and Age: Report of a Large Brain PET Data Se PloS one 7.12.e51517 Shen, Xiaoyan;刘华锋;胡正辉; Hu, Hongjie施鹏程 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
112 Synthesis of Optical-Quality Single-Crystal β-BaB2O4 Microwires and Nanowires Advanced Functional Materials 10.1002.1-5 曲广媛, Zhifang Hu,Qing yang王依霈,童利民 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
113 Experimental Demonstration of Birefringence Compensation Using Angled Star Couplers in Silica-Based Arrayed Waveguide Grating IEEE Photonics Journal 4. 6.2236-2242 夏翔、邹骏、郎婷婷、何建军 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
114 Polarization-sensitive perfect absorbers at near-infrared wavelengths OPTICS EXPRESS 21,S1, A111-A122 Lijun Meng,赵鼎,李强,仇旻 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
115 Fabrication and characterization of suspended SiO2 ridge optical waveguides and the devices OPTICS EXPRESS 20. 20. 22531-22536 陈朋鑫,朱云鹏,时尧成,戴道锌,何赛灵 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
116 Flow velocity measurement based on speckle in optical coherence tomography Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers 39. 5. 0504002-1-0504002-5 杨柳,洪威,王川,丁志华 国内重要刊物 EI收录
117 Fabrication of GaAs Nanowires by Colloidal Lithography and Dry Etching CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 29. 3. 036105-1-036105-4 陈珂,何建军,李明宇,LaPierre R. 国内重要刊物 SCI收录
118 Fourier transform profilometry with color grating by dot-array controlled absolute phase multi-frequency grating Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica 32. 7. 136-141 李崇纲,董泳江,张茹婷,林斌,曹向群 国内重要刊物 EI收录
119 Fiber-based chromatic confocal microscope with Gaussian fitting method OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 44. 4. 788-793 罗丁,匡翠方,刘旭 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
120 Wavelength Tunable CdSe Nanowire Lasers Based on the Absorption-Emission-Absorption Process Advanced Materials 10.1002. Jiabei Li,孟超,Ying Liu,伍晓芹,YizeLu,Ye Yu,Dai Lun,童利民,刘旭,杨青 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
121 Wavelength-Spacing-Tunable Double-Pumped Multiwavelength Optical Parametric Oscillator Based on a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY 30. 12. 1937-1942 孙兵,胡凯,陈达如,魏一振,高士明,何赛灵 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
122 Wavelength Switchable Semiconductor Laser Based on Half-Wave Coupled Fabry-Perot and Rectangular Ring Resonators IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 24. 12. 991-993 武林,王寅,虞婷婷,王磊,何建军 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
123 Ultrabroadband light absorption by a sawtooth anisotropic metamaterial slab Nano Letters 12. 3. 1443-1447 崔艳霞,Fung Kin Hung,Xu Jun,Ma Hyungjin,金毅,何赛灵,Fang Nicholas X. 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
124 Wavelength-spacing tunable multiwavelength fiber optical parametric oscillator MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 54. 10. 2405-2408 孙兵,胡凯,陈达如,魏一振,陈宏志,高士明 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
125 Ultralong-range phase imaging with orthogonal dispersive spectral-domain optical coherence tomography OPTICS LETTERS 37. 21. 4555-4557 王川,丁志华,Mei Shengtao,余华,洪威,Yan Yangzhi,沈伟东 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
126 Unintentional doping induced splitting of G peak in bilayer graphene (vol 99, 233110, 2011) APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 99. 233110 林时胜,陈必更,Pan CT,Hu S,Tian P,童利民 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
127 Using graphics processing units to accelerate perturbation Monte Carlo simulation in a turbid medium JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS 17. 4. 040502 蔡夫鸿,何赛灵 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
128 Ultra-broadband microwave metamaterial absorber APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 100. 10. 103506 丁飞,崔艳霞,葛潇尘,金毅,何赛灵 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
129 Robust Framework for PET Image Reconstruction Incorporating System and Measurement Uncertainties PLOS ONE 7. 3. e32224 刘华锋,王嵩,高飞,田毅,陈武凡,胡正珲,施鹏程 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
130 Revealing the truth about "trapped rainbow" storage of light in metamaterials SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2. 583 何赛灵,何应然,金毅 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
131 Ray ellipse method of analyzing the power and polarization state of partially polarized light ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 61. 13. 134201 刘超; 岑兆丰; 李晓彤; 许伟才; 尚红波; 能芬; 陈立 国内重要刊物 SCI收录
132 High-Q width modulated photonic crystal stack mode-gap cavity and its application to refractive index sensing Optics Express 20,24,27039-27044 姚开元、时尧成 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
133 High-repetition-rate mid-infrared optical parametric oscillator based on PPMgOLN LASER PHYSICS 22. 10. 1459-1462 金嘉亮,王磊,何建军 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
134 High-precision laser alignment technique based on spiral phase plate OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING 50. 7. 944-949 罗丁,匡翠方,郝翔,刘旭 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
135 Hydrophilic microsphere based mesoscopic-lens microscope (MMM) OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 285. 20. 4130-4133 郝翔,匡翠方,李旸晖,刘旭,库玉龙,江芸珊 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
136 Liquid-crystal-display-based touchable light field three-dimensional display using display-capture mapping calibration APPLIED OPTICS 51. 25. 6014-6019 彭祎帆,李海峰,钟擎,刘旭 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
137 Low-threshold supercontinuum generation in semiconductor nanoribbons by continuous-wave pumping OPTICS EXPRESS 20. 8. 8667-8674 谷付星,虞华康,方伟,童利民 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
138 Morphometric measurement of Schlemm‘s canal in normal human eye using anterior segment swept source optical coherence tomography JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS 17. 1. 016016 Guohua Shi,Fei Wang,Xiqi Li,Jing Lu,丁志华,Xinghuai Sun,Chunhui Jiang,Yudong Zhang 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
139 Method for blurred image restoration based on Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica 32. 8. 0828005-1-0828005-7 余玉华,董文德,徐之海,冯华君,李奇 国内重要刊物 EI收录
140 Mode conversion in tapered submicron silicon ridge optical waveguides Optics Express 20. 12. 13425-13439 戴道锌,Yongbo Tang, John E Bowers 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
141 Manipulation of doughnut focal spot by image inverting interferometry OPTICS LETTERS 37. 5. 821-823 郝翔,匡翠方,李旸晖,刘旭 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
142 Measurement of group delay dispersion of dispersive mirror based on white-light interference Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica 32. 10.1031003-1-1031003-6 李承帅,沈伟东,章岳光,范欢欢,刘旭 国内重要刊物 EI收录
143 Optical characteristics of GaAs nanowire solar cells J. Appl. Phys 112, 104311-1-104311-6 胡煜、R.R. LaPierre、李明宇、陈珂、何建军 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
144 Fluorescence lifetime imaging with pulsed diode laser enabled stimulated emission Optics Express 20, 27, 28216-28221 葛剑虹,匡翠方,Shin - Shian Lee, Fu- Jen Kao 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
145 Thin-film encapsulation of inverted indium-tin-oxide-free polymer solar cells by atomic layer deposition with improvement on stability and efficiency APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 101,23,233902 Kan Li, Huanhuan Fan, Chaofan Huang, Xia Hong, Xu Fang, Haifeng Li, Xu Liu,Chengshuai Li, Zhuoyin Huang, and甄红宇 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
146 Optimized design of LED freeform lens for uniform circular illumination Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C 13,12,929-936 Peng Liu, Reng-mao Wu, Zhen-rong Zheng, Hai-feng Li, 刘旭 国内重要刊物 EI收录
147 Experimental Demonstration of a Free-Space Cylindrical Cloak without Superluminal Propagation PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 109,22,223903-1-223903-5 Su Xu, Xiangxiang Cheng, Sheng Xi, Runren Zhang, Herbert O. Moser, Zhi Shen,Yang Xu, Zhengliang Huang, Xianmin Zhang, Faxin Yu, Baile Zhang,陈红胜 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
148 Correlation matching method for high-precision position detection of optical vortex using Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor OPTICS EXPRESS 20, 24,26099-26109 Chenxi Huang, Hongxin Huang, Haruyoshi Toyoda, Takashi Inoue, 刘华锋 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
149 Large aperture PPMgLN based high-power optical parametric oscillator at 3.8 mu m pumped by a nanosecond linearly polarized fiber MOPA OPTICS EXPRESS 20,14,15008-15014 Dejiao Lin, Shaif-ul Alam, 沈永行, 陈滔, Bo Wu, David J. Richardson 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
150 Multi-frame blind deconvolution using sparse priors Optics Communications 285,9,2276-2288 Wende Dong, 冯华君, Zhihai Xu, Qi Li 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
151 Sharper focal spot below lambda/4 of azimuthally polarized illumination phase-encoded by the binary 0/pi phase plate OPTIK 123,23,2179-2182 Tingting Wang, 匡翠方, Xiang Hao,刘旭 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
152 Asymmetric light propagation in composition-graded semiconductor nanowires SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2,820 Jinyou Xu, Xiujuan Zhuang, Pengfei Guo, Weiqing Huang, Wei Hu, Qinglin Zhang, Qiang Wan, Xiaoli Zhu, Zongyin Yang, 童利民, Xiangfeng Duan, Anlian Pan 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
153 Nanowire Piezo-phototronic Photodetector: Theory and Experimental Design ADVANCED MATERIALS 24,22,1410-1417 Ying Liu, 杨青, Yan Zhang, Zongyin Yang, Zhong Lin Wang 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
154 Self-Powered Ultrasensitive Nanowire Photodetector Driven by a Hybridized Microbial Fuel Cell ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 51,26,6443-6446 Qing Yang, Ying Liu, Zetang Li, Zongyin Yang, Xue Wang, Zhong Lin Wang 国外重要刊物 SCI收录
155 Color correction for high-definition electronic endoscope, Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences Vol.5, No.4 Chen Jing, Meng Zi-Bo, Yuan Bo, Duan Hui-Long 国外重要刊物 EI收录