

报告题目:Nanophotonics: a sustainable platform for the next generation information technology
报告时间:2015.12.01, 14:00-15:30
报告地点: 教三326


Dr. Xiangping Li graduated from the Centre for MicroPhotonics, Swinburne University of Technology in 2009.His research interests over the nanophotonics for ultrahigh capacity optical storage,multi-dimensional optical recording , three-dimensional display and graphene photonics.He has invented the world’s first three-dimensional polarization encrypted optical storage and expanded the principle of stimulated emission depletion method into the superresolution optical recording, which has set up a new world’s record in storage capacity up to 1 Petabyte per dvd sized disc.
Dr. Li is also a recipient of numerous competitive awards including ARC APD fellow in 2011, Victoria Fellowship in 2013, ARC DECRA fellow in 2014 and China’s Young 1000 talent in 2015. In 2015, he joined the Institute of Photonics Technology in Jinan University and set up a new team working on the nanophotonic devices.