
澳大利亚阿德莱德大学Dr.Yinlan Ruan

2010年9月23日,澳大利亚阿德莱德大学Dr.Yinlan Ruan来访并做了题为“Emerging Optical Fibres:new fibre materials,structures and applications” 的报告。

Dr. Yinlan Ruan简介:

    Dr. Yinlan Ruan gained her PhD from the Australian National University, Australia in 2005 with her thesis focusing on low loss chalcogenide planar waveguide devices for all-optical processing. She demonstrated the first low optical loss chalcogenide waveguides fabricated by dry etching and the developed method has been widely referred. After her PhD, she joined Institute for Photonics & Advanced Sensing (IPAS) in University of Adelaide, Australia. She firstly worked in fluoride glass development, then transferred to biosensing. She is currently working in an Australian Research Council (ARC) granted project as an Australian Postdoctoral Fellow (APD). This project is to model, fabricate and characterise light enhancement within nano size core hole in soft glass microstructured fibers and explore its applications in high nonlinearity, high resolution imaging and sensing. Currently centralised core holes with minimum 20nm have been achieved, the smallest holes fabricated within the core of an optical fibre to date. Dr Ruan is receipt of Australian Cheung Kong Award, and Chinese Government Scholarship for Outstanding Self-financed Students Studying Abroad.