

报告题目:An Orchestra of Light: Advanced Light Wave Synthesis
报告摘要:Sub-cycle optical waveforms with spectra spanning multiple octaves are desired for efficient attosecond pulse generation and multi-wavelength spectroscopy. It turns out that the techniques invented for large scale timing distribution performance attosecond precision can be used to coherently stich few-cycle optical pulses together. Progress towards a multi-Joule optical waveform synthesizer covering from UV to IR will be presented and potential applications are discussed.
Shaobo FANG, Postdoctoral Associate, the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL), Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY). He was born in 1982, and raised in Hangzhou, China. He received his bachelor||s degree from Tianjin University (2006), and his Ph.D at Hokkaido University (2011) under the supervision of Professor Mikio Yamashita. After that, he was appointed as a scientist in the framework of DESY young scientist program in CFEL||s Ultrafast Optics and X-rays Division of DESY in Hamburg, Germany. His research is focused on sub-cycle Light Wave Synthesis, attosecond science and compact x-ray source technology.