
丹麦科技大学N. Asger Mortensen教授学术报告的通知

报告时间:      1112日下午1500

报告地点:      玉泉校区教三440

 Nanoplasmonics: nano-scale structures and low-dimensional materials

Prof. N. Asger Mortensen
Departments of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Abstract: Nanoplasmonic structures may exhibit nonlocal response when shrinking their critical dimensions to a regime where quantum phenomena are commonly expected to become important. This talk will address a semi-classical hydrodynamic description as a first natural attempt that goes beyond the common description based on the local-response approximation. The relevance to experiments will also be addressed with the example of blue-shifting for silver nanoparticles (down to 3 nm in diameter). Finally, recent initiatives on graphene plasmonics and hybrid metal-graphene systems will be discussed briefly.

N. Asger Mortensen is a full professor at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) from where he also received the MSc, PhD, and Dr. Techn. degrees in 1998, 2001, and 2006, respectively. His research group has a focus on wave phenomena and light-matter interactions in artificially structured materials.  His research has been published in 160+ peer-review journal papers (h-index 32) and he is a regular invited speaker at international conferences. Since 2010 he has been serving the American Optical Society (OSA) as an associate editor for Optics Express.